Wunder Boner

This is one video commercial of one “unitasking” device which I find funny, and disgusting at the same time. A tool that removes the fish bone/spine. Just watch the full commercial ….

The internal of the fish would be all bruised up. I’d rather have a fish with beautiful firm flesh with bones intact, than bones free, but bruised, mangled fish.

I’m pretty handy in the kitchen, cooking and handling raw food stuffs, and I wouldn’t be caught dead using that contraption. Fish is delicate and handling fish requires the sharpest of knives, in my experience. 

You have to use a knife to gut the fish and remove the head, anyway. Your hands already smells fishy, so, might as well go on and finish the job boning the fish …

BTW, “The Wonder Boner … my wife would like that” …  oohhh, the innuendo … 😛

* youtube video via Wil Wheaton Blog